Battery Problem


Battery Problem

We are going to discuss here some techniques and steps to repair dead condition in mobile phones irrespectively of brands

there are manay types of batteries used in mobile phones but now a days the most popular battery is "Lithium neon battery". as i have discussed in the first lesson about the pins of mobile phone batteries there are two two types of battereis.

Note: in Sony ericson there are five pins used for battery terminal but dont be confused first 2pins works togather third works alone and the last 2 pins also work togather so you can take ir as three pin battery.

-three pin battery

-four pin battery

Positive pin:

positive pin of mobile phone gives " + " type current which has normally 3.6V potentional difference with " _ " pin. a normal mobile phone battery now a days holds 3.6V when it is full charged it is normally 3.8V and when it is discharged it is normally at 3.2V.

Negative pin:

A negative pin in mobile phone is simple as working in other types of batteries so there is no need to discuss it more.

BSI pin:

BSI pin stands for "battery state indicator" this is a pin which tells the mobile phone's CPU that what is the current state of battery is right now. in some mobile phones where three pin battery is used, this pin also works to tell the mobile phone that what is battery temprature right now.

B Temp:

B temp pin is specially designed to tell the mobile phone about battery temprature so some mobile phone shuts down if their battery is heating up much while using. but this pin is now a days emerged in BSI pin so now a days most of the mobile phones use three pin battery instead of four pin battery.

Common faults caused by battery:

there are many types of faults created by batter and you will be amazed by looking that what type of faults are our batteries creating.

-Insert sim card fault

-power on fault

-signal fault

-auto shut off while calling

-battery empty fault

-test mode fault

Insert sim card fault:

It came to my experience that in nokia models where three pin battery and for power purposes UEM IC is used we can test that if BSI pin is not connected there will be a Insert sim card problem. for ex: if you disconnect only BSI pin in nokia 1100 or 2300 or 3100 there will be a message for you on the screen "insert sim card"

Power on fault:

if you battery is not working it will not be able to supply proper voltage to your mobile phone and it will not turn on so it creates power on faults.

Signal problem:

some times in some mobile phones the battery is so low but phone is running but there will be no signal in this situation but this problem was found only in old mobile phones sets and it is very rare.

Auto shut off while calling:

some time we call some one while holding full signal in our mobile phone battery indicator bars but as we call someone all battery signal drops and our phone shuts off it self.

Test mode fault:

there is a fault in some nokia mobile phones that they show " Test mode " while truning on. some time it is the fault of battery and some time it is a software problem

example: 3 days before typing this lesson i have experienced a fault and I amazed to find the reason behind this I had a nokia 3100 which was full working and I got another nokia 3100 from a customer to repair in my mobile lab, the battery of my own mobile phone became discharged so I replaced the batter with the battery of customers phone it got a message in my mopbile phone " test mode " I used to charge my battery in the customers mobile phone but when i inserted my own batery now it was also showing " Test mode " so i tried a new battery and got the problem fixed so and experiment showed me that when ever i inserted infected battery it got test mode and when i got new battery it was alright.