Basic Electricity
Electricity is motion of electrons in certain materials. When electrons (containing “ – “ charge)starta moving towards protons (containing “ + “ charge) this motion causes flow of numerous electrons. This flow is called electricity.
Basically the force that forces eletrons to flow is measured in “Volts” whereas the quantity of electrons flown in certain time is measured in “Ampere’s”
Formation Of Electricity
There are two types of electricity according to its form
1. 1. AC (Alternating Current)
2. 2. DC (Direct Current)
1. AC (Alternating Current)
Alternating current is the type of current in which both current flow lines bear both type of charge “+” and “ – “
In AC both lines contain “+” charge for a certain time and “ – “ afterwards so it forms a wave in which the supper level from “0 level” is “+” and lower level from “0 level” is “ – “. See figure 1.0
Sources of AC:
Commonly AC is supplied in Mains supply used in commen home electrical appliances. It is produced by “Dynmo’s” , “Turbines” and “Generators” and also in “UPS” normally proveded AC in homes is measured 220 Volts and its Frequence(cycling speed of “+” and “ – “ charge) would be 60 Hz(hertz frequency measurment units). And in some countries it would be 110 Volts and 50 Hz.
2. DC (Direct Current)
Direct Current is derrived from its shape. The charactristic of DC are
1. 1. DC is not in wave form rather it is straight
2. 2. DC contains “+” charge on one line and “ – “ charge on another line( See Figure 2.0
Normally sources of Direct Current are batteries, Cells, Solar Cells and DC Adapters and Chargers.
AC To DC Conversion
“AC” can be changed into DC as well as DC into AC. While converting AC into DC we need a few components calles detectors commonly known as Rectifire Diods. The complete function of Diods is discussed in “ Parts Detail and Function Lesson”, but here I want show the simple process in which “AC” is converted into “DC”. First of all we should know the main differences between AC and DC.
1. 1. “AC” contains “+” and “ – “ cahrge in wave form whereas “DC” contains “+” and “ – “ charge in straight shape.
2. 2. “AC” contains both “+” and “ – “ charge on both lines whereas “DC” contains “+” charge on one line and “ – “ charge on another line.
So it is easy to convert “AC into “DC” by straightening charge shape and by making it seperate.
Note: this circit with some modifications is used in mobile phone chargers.
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