[Help] Ask...sulosi box jaf yg modar....????


Sdh ada kah solusi buat memperbaiki incase jaf yg modar....????

gw udah cb:
1.pake software potato dari v1-v4 =hasilnya nihil
2.pake MProg = juga nihil

klo di pake buat interface mx key:

Using device: POTATO BOX, FW ver: 01.B4
Library version:,
Boot error: 55 04 00 92
- Repeat the procedure. Sometimes it is a matter of temporary communication problem or similar.
- Check that every utilised telegram are solid without some visible alteration and hit beatific contact. If possible, essay with other cables.
- On thin occasions sound strength be dilapidated or dead. So, if possible, essay with added phone.

klo di pake buat program jaf waktu klik tombol check:

Getting MCU ID

MCU ID: 0x0000
Can't find boot file...
Failed! Aborting!
Phone Restarted...

padahal baru aza gw pake buat ngeflash hp,,setelah selesai gw cb lg ternyata error....