SmartMoto v3.15, Smart-Clip v4.08, S-Card 2.09 and Smart Adaptor v1.05


Dear users,
We are pleased to introduce a new version of SmartMoto v3.15, Smart-Clip v4.08, S-Card 2.09 and Smart Adaptor v1.05.

With this release we present the following options.

  1. Released Unlock, Format FFS and Repair EEPROM for the model W375В (Compal unlock procedure).
  2. The models W161 and W181 are added to the supported models list (although they were already supported before).
  3. Improved Prepare cycle for the models W510/W490. From now on, the handsets with an error 0085/00CA are supported.
  4. The model W270 was already supported for unlock, and now, Repair EEPROM and Format FFS are added for it.
  5. Developed Repair PDS function for the model U3.
  6. V365 fw R444HL1 is now included to the list of PDS Repair supported (although it was supported before).

Please don’t forget to update all your products and use Smart-Clip Update Zone to update S-Card.
Update Smart-Clip first and perform S-Card update after that only.
We recommend to use only the latest versions of Smart-Clip, S-Card, Smart Adaptor and SmartMoto.
If you wish to receive news on updates immediately, please subscribe to our new SMS notification system.

Smart-Clip ON!