Vibrator Problem
Vibrator Problem is same in all brands of sets here will discuss components which take part in creating vibrator problem in mobile phones firs of all we should know about key elements used in Vibra functions, these elements are as under
-Micro controller IC
A vibrator is a little motor which is run by only 1.5 Volts DC or AC this motor has a shaft inside its coil the outer piece of the shaft is out of balance so when this motor runs it gives a little vibration
Checking Of Vibrator:
If you suspect that a vibrator is damaged you can check it as the following ways.
Check if its points ar not broken if it is so you can replace this vibrator on the basis of its shape and size because now a days all the vibrators are operate on same voltages but their shape and size is different.
Check continuity between the two terminals of Vibrator if there is no continuity then consider this vibrator damaged and replace it.
all tracks which lead to the vibrator from its micro controller are subject to create "no vibration problems" so if the tracks of the vibrator are damaged or open then vibrator will not get electronic pulses form its micro controller and it will not produce vibration. Our experiment says that 90% set with no vibration faults are fixed only with jumpering open tracks.. see an example below
Micro Controller IC:
A micro controller IC is used in a mobile phone to control pulses sent bye CPU so if a pulse sent by CPU to micro controller IC is not executed vibrator will not work despite of the integrity of tracks and vibrator its self so some times this problem occurs in mobile phone that vibrator is OK , Tracks are Ok but no vibration is there then you can check IC controlling this vibra function you see the picture given above where a 20PIN IC is connected to vibrator and if this IC fails to work properly then vibrator will not be able to work at all.
there are such chances when an inner setting of the program running in a mobile phone compels or sets vibra off. you can check if the vibrator setting is correct in your mobile phone.
When we find a mobile phone with having problem of no vibration then we should take the steps given below to eliminate this problem.
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