Ringer Problem


Ringer Problem

Ringer Problem is also same in all brands of handsets, here we will discuss components which take part in creating Ringer problem in mobile phones. first of all we should know about key elements used in making in mobile phones. these components are listed below.



-Ringer Controller IC



A ringer is commonly taken as a speaker, in the former sets we found ringers like two metal plates joined together. one plate was small and the other was large and there was a crystal material between the two plates so there was a capacitance effect between the two plates. and when the supply was connected to the ringer given below it would give a sound like "Click" but if it was connected with AC supply it would give voice like "Shar r r r r r r r r r r r !" and so on.

In the old ringer models there was an oscillator used to make different voice frequencies in ringer . so they made it to produce different tunes procured by CPU and its memory and voice oscillator.

These days most of the ringers are behaving like an ear piece used in mobile phones. it would be right to say that now a days ringer and speakers are merged in the same shape altogether and instead of using an other piece working as ringer the Companies use a speaker which is working as speaker as well as ringer. please read below carefully.

1. most of the old nokia , samsung and motorola phones were built with a ringer and speaker

2. Now a days nokia , samsung and motorola are using speakers as earpiece and ringer purposes .because the speakers are used to make a ring

3. Sony Ericson use mostly a piece in which there are four points two for ringer and two for ear piece because they have made both things in joined form.

4. another difference is that in all the mono ringtones hand sets there was a separate ringer and a separate speaker used.

Checking Of Ringer:

If you suspect that a Ringer is damaged you can check it as the following ways.

-Check if its points ar not broken if it is so you can replace this Ringer on the basis of its shape and size because now a days all the vibrators are operate on same voltages but their shape and size is different.

-Check continuity between the two terminals of Ringer if there is no continuity then consider this vibrator damaged and replace it. (because now days speakers are used as ringer and ear piece altogether and speakers have full continuity between the two terminals).


In the ringer problem there may be certain chances that the tracks may be broken and if it is so then trace the tracks leading towards the ringer's two points. mostly the one part of ringer is joined with "+" supply and they second track is joined to one of the pins of its controller IC.

See the example below in which the ringer's lower point is joined with "+" and the second point is joined with PIN# 6 of "UI" IC(which controls ringer , vibrator and lights) this example is given from the circuit diagram of famous nokia handset 3310.

Ringer Controller IC:

A IC who controls the ring signals in mobile phones is normally called ringer IC and it control ringer activity. in some cases it is damaged and it would be fixed up with a new IC replacement.


there are such chances when an inner setting of the program running in a mobile phone compels or sets Ringer off. you can check if the Ringer setting is correct in your mobile phone.

When we find a mobile phone with having problem of no Ringer then we should take the steps given below to eliminate this problem.