Flashing tutorial for moto ROKR E2


We figured out that the description in the firmware section "Flash using RSD lite" is not enough for newbies, so we decieded to write a unified tutorial for flashing Motorola ROKR E2. Here is what you need to do:

1. First review the flash file. When you unzip the archive usually you will find only two files - one is .shx and one is .sbf file. First you will flash the .shx and then you will flash the .sbf.

2. Turn off your phone. Press the Voice Key + Red Key. You will get the primary bootloader screen. Now start hitting the voice key multiple times until the bootscreen text changes and you will see the secondary bootloader.

3. Connect your phone, open RSD Lite and flash your phone with the .shx file

4. After the flash is complete then you can turn your phone into the primary bootloader again and then flash it using RSD lite. Here you may need to follow additional instructions from the firmware post itself (like replacing some .smg files during the flash). However that is optional.

Source: e2mod.com

terjemahan :

1. siapkan E2 full charge dan RSD lite, serta kabel data
2. siapkan bahan2 apgretan (fw) semisal 38p, 40p, 43p, atau yg paling gress nih 45p. biasanya berbentuk zip atau rar. kalo udah diunzip/unrar, kita akan dapat file shx dan sbf (untuk 45p ga ada shxnya- so don't worry)
3. buka RSD lite di kompi, & aktifkan bootloader di E2, caranya tekan tombol voice + power on-mesti bersamaan loh. untuk bootloader (BL) ada 2, yg tadi itu BL1 kalo tekan voice key lagi, masuk di BL2 (flash BP)
4. untuk 43p yg ada shx & sbfnya mesti masuk di BL2 dulu baru untuk flash shx baru setelahnya masuk di BL1 untuk flash sbf nya
5. untuk 45p yg cm pake sbf lgsg masuk di BL1 aja & flash it.
6 biarkan hp diflash sampe E2 nya idup lagi dalam keadaan charging. kalo udah, cabut kabel idupin lagi.

turitorial rsdlite

Features and Requirements

1. Allows flashing multiple phones using a single superfile
2. Allows flexing multiple phones using a single flex file
3. Runs on Windows 2000/ Windows XP
4. Requires USB Port and USB Cable

Browsing for file to flash or flex

1. Press the ‘…’ [Browse] button to select the flash file.
2. Open dialog box will appear.

3. Select file to flash or flex.
4. The Files of type: drop down list box allow users to display superfiles and flex files, only superfiles (SHX/SBF) or only flex files (HS). Selecting Super Files (*.shx;*.sbf) will display only files of type SHX/SBF. Selecting Flex files (*.hs) will display only files of type HS. The default selection is All Files (*.shx, *.sbf, *.hs) where files of type SHX/SBF and HS are displayed.

5. Press Open button when desired flash or flex file is selected.


1. Specify flash operation is to be performed by selecting SBF or SHX file. This can be accomplished by:
a.) Typing the complete path, filename and extension of the file on Filename: edit box.
b.) Pressing the Browse button. (See Browsing for file)
2. When a valid SHX or SBF file is selected, the File properties window on the upper right of the application should display file information.
3. Attach phone/phones thru USB. Phone should enumerate and appear in the list box window. An ordinary USB cable or a shorted option pin cable may be used.
4. Selecting the phone on the list box window will display phone information on the upper left Device Properties window.
5. Press Start button when ready to flash.
6. Upon completion the result column will display whether the operation passed or failed.


1. Specify flex operation is to be performed by selecting HS file. This can be accomplished by:
a. Typing the complete path and filename and extension of the file on Filename edit box.
b. Pressing the Browse button.
2. When a valid HS file is selected, the window on the upper right of the application should display file information.
3. Attach phone/phones thru USB. Phone should enumerate and appear in the list box window. Do not use shorted option pin USB cable. Phone should not enumerate in flash mode when flexing.
4. Selecting the phone on the list box window will display phone information on the upper left Device Properties window.
5. Press Start button when ready to flex.
6. Upon completion the result column will display whether the operation passed or failed.

Status and Results

Current operation of the application is displayed on the Status column of the list box window.
Errors as well as detailed status information are logged in the files listed in the table below. Users of RSD Lite should have write access to where these files are created.

Log Filename Description Location
SWDL.txt Status information and errors RSD Lite folder
FlashErrorLog.txt Flash related errors Folder where the superfile is located.
FlexError.txt Flex related errors RSD Lite\PhoneFileLog

Attached Files
File Type: rar ISO-8859-1''RSD_Lite_User_Guide.rar (226.2 KB, 0 views)