Clearing Phone Lock of DB2020, DB2012, PNX and old DBs


Pressing Clear phone lock takes credit on DB2020 phones (unless CT fixed this on their next update)...

That's not the way to do if you want it free with Cruiser+...
for DB2020 you need to flash your phone:
(so far this is what i have tried, i have not try other way)

  1. attach
  2. flash main
  3. flash fs
  4. customize
  5. clear phone lock
  6. press turn-off phone

when power on phone it will still ask phone lock (just enter its default: 0000)

Reading only phone lock on DB2012, PNX, old DB***x, (via rj45)

  1. choose "identify" on boot options of primary folder
  2. press attach.

Reading phone lock of DB2020 PDA:

  1. there is a "pda info reader" on the support site, just download it.

Clearing phone lock of A2 phone:

  1. download "se a2 flasher" from support site
  2. then check "user code reset".

hope it is clear....
no more can't read phonelock, no credits, no need suggest to use other tools

author: kcgckc2002